1. TITLE

The Title of the Society shall be "The Seaford & District Horticultural Society"

      2.OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY          

The objects of the Society are to encourage, improve & extend Horticulture by means of exhibitions and otherwise        


A person shall be deemed to have become a member on payment of the annual subscription


The annual subscription to the Society shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting. Subscriptions are due on 1st January each year, but a new member joining and paying his or her subscription on a date to be determined by the committee, will be granted membership for the following year. If the subscription of any member shall not have been paid within two months of the due date, then the committee may, in their discretion, declare the person has ceased to be a member of the Society and all benefits of membership shall cease. The Committee in their discretion may elect persons to membership of the Society without payment of any subscription. Such members shall be termed “Honorary Members”.

       4a The Committee, at their discretion, may introduce an admission charge to any show which may be payable by both members & non-members with the following exceptions. Children under 15 years old may be admitted free of charge

         5. LIFE MEMBERS

Any member who has made a significant contribution towards the society shall be eligible for nomination as an Honorary Life Member at an A.G.M.  Nominations must be submitted to the committee in writing before the A.G.M stating the name of the Proposer and the Seconder. If the nomination is agreed by at least two thirds of the members present at the A.G.M then the status will be awarded to the nominee.

Hon. Life Members shall have all rights accorded to all other members.

Hon. Life Members are exempt from paying any Annual Subscription fee.

Hon. Life Members are not subject to re-election.


Funds shall be devoted solely to furthering the objects of the Society; grants to benevolent and charitable objects may be made at the discretion of the Committee. Prizes & awards sanctioned by the Committee may be given from the funds of the Society according to competent judges. 


The President, Vice Presidents, Chairman & Vice Chairman shall be those duly elected at the Annual General Meeting.


The Honorary Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer, who shall be members of the Society shall be elected at the A.G.M, shall retire annually, but may be eligible for re-election. The Society Treasurer shall receive & bank in the name of the Society all monies belonging to the Society & by order of the Committee pay all accounts & expenses pertaining to the Society and shall keep the necessary records of such transactions. All cheques shall be signed by the Hon. Society Treasurer, the Hon. Society Secretary or the Chairman. All accounts shall be closed & balances determined by the 31st October annually. 


The Hon. Secretaries shall be members of the Society & shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. They will retire annually but be eligible for re- election.

            10. HONORARY EXAMINER

The Hon. Examiner shall be appointed at the A.G.M. & hold office for one year but shall be eligible for re-election.

             11. MANAGEMENT

The management of the Society shall be in the hands of a Committee who shall have power to do all things necessary to carry out the aims & objects of the Society and at their first meeting held in each year, shall decide the number required to form a quorum. The President, Chairman, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Membership Secretary & Hon. Social Secretaries shall be ex-officio members of the Committee. The Chairman in consultation with the President shall have power to appoint a deputy for any Hon. Officer as may be necessary. The Committee may appoint certain of their members to form Sub- Committees for special purposes, unless otherwise directed by the Committee; the decisions of any sub committee shall not become effective unless confirmed by a meeting of the Committee. The Hon. Secretary, at the request of the Chairman, or any three members of the Committee, or as occasion may require, shall convene meetings of the Committee by written notice to each member of the Committee & such notice shall state the purpose for which the meeting is convened.

              12.  COMMITTEE

The Committee shall consist of not more than twelve members (excluding ex-officio members) who shall be elected at the A.G.M. & retire annually by rotation in groups of four, but shall be eligible for re-election. A member who, without leave of absence, fails to attend three consecutive meetings shall be deemed to have relinquished his/her appointment as an elected member of the Committee. Any vacancy which may exist upon the Committee may be filled by the Committee co-opting a member.

              13.  ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

The A.G.M of the Society shall be held not later than 31st December of each year, on a day to be determined by the Committee, when the Hon. Secretaries shall report on the activities of the Society during the past year. The Hon. Treasurer shall present reports together with financial statements & balance sheets which have been audited & signed by the Hon. Examiner or Examiners and other general relevant business shall be transacted.

               14. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING

The Committee may at any time convene a Special General Meeting of the Society & shall do so upon the receipt by the Hon. Secretary of a requisition in writing, signed by not less than TEN members of the Society, stating the purpose for which such a meeting is desired. Such meeting shall be held on a date not later than THIRTY DAYS from the receipt of such requisition. No business other than that for which the meeting has been convened shall take place at any Special General Meeting. At the Annual or any other Special General Meeting of the Society, those present at the time for which the meeting was convened shall form a quorum & the Chairman shall have an additional casting vote.

             15.  NOTICE OF MEETINGS

Not less than FOURTEEN DAYS notice in writing shall be given to each member of the Annual General Meeting & not less than SEVEN DAYS notice for any other General Meeting. The notice calling such meetings shall state the purpose for which it is convened.

              16. ALTERATIONS OF RULES

The Rules may be added to or amended by the resolution of the Annual or Special General Meeting provided that no such resolution shall be regarded as passed unless it can be carried by a majority of at least two thirds of the members present & voting.


The Committee are the sole authority for the interpretation of these Rules & the decision of the Committee shall be final & binding.

             18. Every member of the Society shall receive a copy of these Rules & his or her   membership of the Society shall be governed by them.

             19. The Above Rules cancel all previous Rules.

             20. By joining the society membership, you authorise the society to maintain a      

record of your details in accordance with the current GDPR regulations. Upon    cancelling your membership, all of your personal records are securely removed. Your  information is only used for Society use, and is not passed on to any third party. You may receive occasional information from the society either by post or email. 

